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BP benefitted from cozy relationship with green groups and the media before oil spill

BP’s rhetorical overtures to green causes may have deflected attention away from reckless business practices …read more


California voters could reverse state level regulations modeled after Kyoto Protocol

California voters could reverse state level regulations modeled after Kyoto Protocol …read more


California voters could reverse state level regulations modeled after Kyoto Protocol

California voters could reverse state level regulations modeled after Kyoto Protocol …read more


Arizona’s unheralded anti-quota initiative highlights Obama’s inconsistent stance on profiling and preferential policies

Obama’s criticisms of the Arizona legislature are in direct conflict with the actions of his own administration …read more


Arizona’s unheralded anti-quota initiative highlights Obama’s inconsistent stance on profiling and preferential policies

Obama’s criticisms of the Arizona legislature are in direct conflict with the actions of his own administration …read more


Obama’s lawyers seek electronic card check as alternative to congressional approval

With mid-term elections looming, union bosses who spent millions to elect a Democratic president and congress are going for broke to secure transformative policy changes that could reinvigorate their membership rolls …read more


Obama’s lawyers seek electronic card check as alternative to congressional approval

With mid-term elections looming, union bosses who spent millions to elect a Democratic president and congress are going for broke to secure transformative policy changes that could reinvigorate their membership rolls …read more